Stainless Steel Salt Spray Corrosion Test Machine - LTek Online
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Stainless Steel Salt Spray Corrosion Test Machine
Stainless Steel Salt Spray Corrosion Test Machine
Product Code: LTEKCTLB-ECC97-005

Tenders Description & Specification for Stainless Steel Salt Spray Corrosion Test Machine

Stainless Steel Salt Spray Corrosion Test Machine

It can determine the corrosion resistance of iron metal or the iron metal inorganic film or organic film test, such as: electroplating, anode processing, conversion coating, painting, etc.

Controller are in the same panel, the operation simple and clear. 
Neutral salt spray (NSS), acetic acid salt spray ( AASS ), copper accelerated salt spray ( CASS ) either of the test lab
LCD display and a PID controller or touch screen programmable controller.
Entire PVC sheet material, the internal ring with the use of advanced three-dimensional flutter high technology products, strong structure, fresh,  never deformation and acid and alkali, high  temperature and never aging, for salt spray, copper acetate, and other test specifications.

Ltekonline are the manufacturers of Stainless Steel Salt Spray Corrosion Test Machine used to demonstrate engineering principles in Engineering Colleges, Engineering Schools and Environmental Climatic Chamber for Engineering Teaching Lab in Universities

Categories: Environmental Climatic Chamber

Tags: Stainless Steel Salt Spray Corrosion Test Machine

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